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Reading Usable Help
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Gordon R. Meyer
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Reading Usable Help without Google Reader
First off, you have my sincere thanks for reading Usable Help. Although I probably would continue this site even if I were only talking to myself, it's so much more rewarding to know that you're kind enough to grant me a little bit of your thinly-spread attention. I appreciate and always try to honor that.
Hundreds of you have been reading Usable Help through Google Reader. But Google has heartlessly discontinued that service. Personally, I now use Feedbin. If you're looking for a replacement too, I think Feedbin is worth the small expense. But no matter what tool you now use, you can add the Usable Help RSS feed to keep up with the latest postings.
But perhaps you're giving up on RSS entirely or you want to try something new. There are other ways to keep up with Usable Help and I hope that you'll find one of them works for you. You can find Usable Help on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Flipboard. You can also subscribe to the email edition.
Thanks again.
Posted: July 21, 2013 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item