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Gordon R. Meyer
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Tweeting a book, bit by bit
Joe Kissel, writing for TidBITS, describes the process of tweeting an entire manual. His book, Take Control of Your Paperless Office, was serialized into 140-character chunks and posted to Twitter at regular (15 minute) intervals. The experiment has concluded and you can view the results @zapmypaper. Unfortunately, the reverse-chronological order of the tweets isn't suitable for after-the-fact reading.
Kissel's experiment helped inspired another excercise in serialized book Tweeting. Excerpts from a book for magicians that I helped write, The Jinx Companion, are tweeted at @jinxcompanion. Our approach differs in that we extracted sentences from the book that fit into a Tweet, and we're sending them in a less frequent, and random, order.
Posted: August 27, 2011 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item