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Gordon R. Meyer
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Crowdsourced annotations for user guides
One of the most interesting features of the Amazon Kindle is its ability to share annotations with other readers of the same book. If you're reading a book that others have marked up, you can choose to see which passages they've highlighted. For example, Gordon Graham's book about the iPad currently has about 7 annotations made by a few anonymous readers. You can view the passages at the book's Kindle page.
Additionally, and perhaps even more interesting, is that readers can make their annotations available in identifiable form. When you enable the "public notes" feature, others can follow the books you read and your annotations. For example, Seth Godin's public notes are available. My own paltry offerings are too.
If you publish instructional material in Kindle format, this might be a good opportunity for you to connect with your readers and offer your own annotations.
Posted: May 29, 2011 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item