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Gordon R. Meyer
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Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
In praise of PDFs
Kevin Kelly, noted author, futurist, and former editor of Wired magazine, identifies five solid qualities that make PDF-based books an attractive alternative to other forms of electronic publishing. For me, the most salient point is:
A PDF is able to retain the highly evolved grammar, design and syntax that one thousand years of bookmaking has attained. [...] In my experience as a reader, a web designer, and a book designer, the reading experience on paper -- and PDFs -- is much more refined and elegant. [...]
It's well-worth reading Kelly's complete write-up, and while you're there you can sample five instructional texts, in PDF of course, that he finds commendable.
See also: A Hidden Cost in PDF Documentation and Customer Reactions to PDF Manuals.
Posted: January 5, 2008 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item