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Gordon R. Meyer
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Magnetic help authoring toolkit
The seemingly never-ending series of Magnetic Poetry kits that let you decorate your refrigerator and filing cabinets with pithy and fun phrases has inspried 37 Signals to reflect on their support emails. They wonder which word tiles would be necessary to compose the typical support request, and decide that "Useless, infuriating, and essential," among others, would absolutely be required.
Which leads me to think about help authoring. Certainly GUI-based verbs like "click," "select," and "drag" would be necessary, as well as the old favorites "Warning" and "Note." And let's not forget "See also" and "For more information about." Plus a full range of numbers for the steps, of course. What else would you need?
Thanks for the link, Mark .
Posted: September 19, 2006 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item