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Gordon R. Meyer
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Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
More than software
I still remember attending my first technical documentation conference. I was working for PLATINUM technology, inc at the time and I was surprised at how many of my fellow writers worked outside of the high tech industry. As a software guy, I was in the minority. When I later moved to Silicon Valley, this computer-centric view of the industry became a reality, at least for the local jobs, but still, I try to regularly remind myself that I'm fortunate in being able to write about technology that I both use and love.
This nifty collection of declassified World War II-era technical manuals for submarines and related technology reminds us that the world is bigger than bits and bytes, and that some impressive instructional design precedes the computer age.
Thanks for the link, bOINGbOING.
Posted: July 27, 2005 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item